Uplifter can enhance your email marketing efforts using Oracle Eloqua by automatically adding Uplifter's links parameters to links created within your email templates.
The Uplifter Oracle Eloqua integration currently offers two features:
- Sync Uplifter dropdowns to Eloqua picklists
With this feature, when you create campaigns within Eloqua you can select values from Uplifter that will be applied to all links within that campaign. If options are added or updated to the parameters within Uplifter, this will automatically update the values in Eloqua picklists.
You need to be an administrator within Eloqua to be able to update the default tracking string:
Now, when an email is created, Eloqua will append the tracking string including the parameters which were set when the campaign was created.
- Add tracking links to email templates from Eloqua
Uplifter also allows you to search for and update links in specific templates within Eloqua. From the Track>Create page, you are able to search for a specific email template, select the tracking parameters to apply from your Track>Create settings. This will then update all links within the template. You can also add Uplifter short links to emails by creating them in this way.
How to connect Uplifter to Oracle Eloqua
Please get in contact with support@uplifter.ai if you would like to use the Uplifter Oracle Eloqua integration.
Uplifter currently requires it's integration email integration@uplifter.ai to be added to each of your Oracle Eloqua business units. The integration user requires permission to view and edit templates and to be able to manage Picklists in the database viewer.
How to automatically append campaign links
Eloqua allows you to create a default tracking parameters that can be applied to links in each email sent. As part of this you can select campaign fields that can be included within this tracking string.
Uplifter supports this process by syncing the data available in Uplifter parameters to Eloqua picklists. Once Uplifter has been connected to Eloqua, it will generate a picklist for each dropdown in Uplifter. Any changes to dropdowns in Uplifter will automatically change the corresponding picklist in Eloqua.
You can then include these picklists as required to be selected from when a campaign is created. Detail on how to set this is available here:
You also need to update the Global Email Default within Eloqua, to reference these fields:
In the Email Default tab, select "Advanced settings" at the top right. This will open up the window for managing external tracking:
The text in the "Suffix" box will be appended to each tracking link in the email. The parameters that have been synced from Uplifter will have an "Uplifter_" prefix. For each value that you want to be included in your campaign link, you need to insert them as in the screenshot above.
Once this has been set up emails sent from Eloqua will append the tracking string to each link. Contact support@uplifter.ai if you need assistance in deciding what should be included in the tracking link.
How to update campaign links in specific email templates
Uplifter is also able to find and update templates stored in your Eloqua business unit. Once Eloqua has been connected to Uplifter, in the Track>Create page under the "Email" tab, you will have an option to select templates from Eloqua:
If you have more than one Eloqua business unit connected, you will first have to select this. To find the specific template, you can then either filter by email group, or if your emails are ungrouped, you can select the "[Ungrouped - Search templates manually]" option:
Once you have found the template, you can fill out the link parameters that have been set within Track>Create. When you click "Find links" you are able to de-select links that do not need the tracking parameters appended:
Clicking "Replace Links" will then append the tracking parameters to the links, and update the email template within Eloqua. If short links have been applied then it will replace the links with uplifter short links which will redirect to the link with the tracking parameters appended that were in the original email.
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