Uplifter can pull campaign data for links created in Uplifter from your Adobe Analytics report suites. This allows you to see the performance of your campaigns at a glance, in reports as well as alongside the links you create in Uplifter.
The integration only requests aggregate data about campaigns (visits, page time etc.) and does not access or require any Personally Identifiable data.
In order to set up the Uplifter Adobe Integration, you need to either be, or know someone to contact who has the following permissions in your Adobe account:
- System / Product Admin in Adobe Console and Admin Console
- Profile Admin in Adobe
1. Create an Adobe Analytics Profile
1. Go to the Adobe Analytics admin console.
2. Click on the 'Products' tab and then click 'New Profile'
3. Enter a name for the profile and click 'Save':
4. Next, click the profile that you have just created in the table, to edit the permissions:
5. Click the "permissions" tab to edit the permissions:
6. Configure the following permissions:
- Report suites
Select all the Report suites being used by Uplifter Workspaces. If some Report Suites in use as workspaces in Uplifter are not available in the current organisation, you will need to repeat this process for each organisation.
- Metrics
Toggle "auto-include" to On
- Dimensions
Toggle "auto-include" to On
- Report suite tools
No action required
- Analytics tools
Enable "Web Service Access" (note - "Web Services" is presented as an option in the list, but Uplifter requires "Web Service Access" in order to make API calls which is further down the list)
7. Go to the Developers tab and add a developer by clicking "Add Developer". Ensure the developer user on your team who completes the next steps has access in the developer console to the product profile you have created.
2. Create the Adobe API project
1. Navigate to Adobe Console, and click on the 'Create new project' button.
2. Click the "Add API" button and select "Adobe Analytics":
3. Select "Server-to-Server" click next, and give the key a name (eg. "Uplifter Integration"):
4. Select the Product Profile you created earlier, and "save configured api"
5. Click "Generate Access Token", then on the next screen, "retrieve client secret"
6. Send the Client ID and Client Secret to the Uplifter team at support@uplifter.ai
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