Comparing marketing activity to see what's working (and what isn't) can be difficult, with multiple metrics and data siloed in different platforms.
Uplifter allows you to compare all your drive-to-web marketing activity in Report>Performance.
You can customise, filter, share and export this report to other stakeholders.
You can customise the report by changing the dropdowns on the first row:
- The granularity of the comparison:
- campaigns - aggregated campaign stats
- campaign codes - aggregated landing pages to one unique UTM/CID
- campaign links - individual landing pages with UTMs/CIDs
- Time period (this year, last year, last month, custom date range)
- Ranked by metric (short link clickthrough's, sessions, users, bounce rate, custom GA goals)
- Time period buckets (month, week, day)
You can also customise the reports header:
- Report title - click on the title to edit and save a custom report name
- Company logo - in Settings>Account features>Company logo
By default, the report compares all the marketing links created in Uplifter. You can add filters to compare a subset of data for a certain audience. For example to look at a single medium, like social media or compare a specific group of email campaigns.
To apply a filter:
1. Click on 'Apply filters' button
2. Select each parameter you wish to apply a filter on
The data in your report will automatically update and show what your filtering on in the report header:
You can remove all filters by clicking on 'Reset filter' button.
Share / Download / Export
You can click on the pink 'Actions' button to export the report in you preferred format.
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