It can be frustrating when you see no data in a report for a campaign. This article will help you find your data by changing what data you filter your reports on:
- Dates: Are you looking for data in the wrong time frame when the campaign wasn't live? Try widening your date range to the last two years.
- Metrics: Are you looking for metrics which don't exist? For example: Short link clickthroughs, when no short links were used in this campaign?
- Filters: Are you filtering combinations of filters which doesn't exist for in a single link? For example medium=print AND source=linkedIn. LinkedIn would be a social medium, so you would need to remove or change the medium. Tip: Start filtering on one parameter and then add more.
- Landing page URL changed? Are you searching for URL which no longer exists or has changed? Your websites CMS can often change the URL (to another language page for example).
- Another website URL: Are you searching for landing page which is on a 3rd party website you don't own? If short links weren't used, we wont be able to see any data for websites you don't own and have analytics on.
- Connected Analytics profile: Is your Uplifter workspace connected to the right Google Analytics property / view or Adobe Analytics report suite? Remember Google Analytics Universal Analytics is being replaced by Google Analytics 4. If so talk to your admin to connect to the right data source.
Still can't find your data or have a question? Email
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