Alexander Holman-Butt

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Votes on activity by Alexander Holman-Butt Recent activity Votes
  • How do I bulk import dropdowns from a CSV (Excel) file?

    When setting up you account for the first time, you may have lots of dropdown parameters you need to add from an existing sheet. Instead of adding dropdown values one at a time in Track > Edit drop...

  • How can I view link edit history?

    Link landing pages and parameters can be edited in Track > View links to fix mistakes or improve the journey. Regular users can edit their own links Admin users can edit any link One side-effect ...

  • How do I stop other admins changing my link taxonomy, parameters and rules?

    Your Uplifter account may have many admins, who could frequently change your link taxonomy, parameters and/or rules. To stop this happening, we have a 'Padlock' in Track > Edit parameters. As an a...

  • What does link status mean?

    Its useful to know if an Uplifter link Is newly created, live, no longer being used or has never been used. Never used links could indicate user error or be deleted to declutter your account. Live...

  • How to create deep links to mobile applications

    Businesses often prefer to direct customers to mobile apps, rather than websites to: Give a more direct, faster and better customer experience Not be constrained by browser technology Capture firs...

  • How are Uplifter short link clicks counted?

    Uplifter short links allow you to get an overview of exactly how many people have been interacting with your links. Because it does not require cookies or consent as it is just a count of total red...

  • Why can't I see any data in my reports, graphs and tables?

    It can be frustrating when you see no data in a report for a campaign. This article will help you find your data by changing what data you filter your reports on: Dates:  Are you looking for data ...

  • How Uplifter imports and processes Google Analytics data

    When you connect an Uplifter workspace to your Google Analytics (UA/GA4) Profile / View, we import your metrics so you can compare the onsite performance of each link. This article explains how we ...

  • How to integrate Uplifter with Oracle Eloqua

    Uplifter can enhance your email marketing efforts using Oracle Eloqua by automatically adding Uplifter's  links parameters to links created within your email templates. The Uplifter Oracle Eloqua i...

  • What are Smart Links and up_id?

    Smart Links contain a unique query string parameter at the end of each link: &up_id=(unique) We use up_id to stitch data together more accurately and let users bulk edit existing links more easily...